This Father’s Day Kids Interview Printable is a fun activity for kids to do for their Dads for Father’s Day.
Kids can fill out the questions, and an adult can print it out. It’s such a special keepsake and a great way for children to celebrate their fathers.

Did you know that Father’s Day was founded in 1910? It all began in Spokane, Washington when Sonora Smart Dodd, wanted to celebrate her father William Jackson Dodd.
He was a single father that raised six children. But, it wasn’t official until 1966 when President Lyndon B. Johnson declared the third Sunday in June Father’s Day.
And, President Richard Nixon made it a permanent holiday in 1972.

So now millions of fathers are celebrated every year on Sunday, June 16.
The Father’s Day Kids Interview Printable would be a special gift kids could give their Dads that would be treasured forever.

Fathers could look back at the interview printable years later when their children are much older.
It would be fun to see all the silly answers the kids filled out, and the different things they thought about their Dads when they were younger.

You could also have your kids make their Dad an adorable craft like these DIY Painted Father’s Day Mugs.
They could decorate the mugs and put them in a small gift box.
They could also tie a ribbon around the printable.
Both the mug and interview sheet make great Father’s Day gifts.

Father’s Day Kids Interview Printable Questions
The printable has a spot for a photo of Dad. The kids could draw a picture or a glue of photo of themselves with their Dad onto the paper.

They also have a place for the kids to write their name, the date, and their age.
It’s important to make sure all this information is filled out so, they can know how old they were when the filled out the interview questions.
Aren’t the printables about Dad cute? I hope you have fun with your kids filling out these Father’s Day interview printables.
Click link to > Print Father’s Day Printable

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